Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fishsticks Song What Do You Think About This Poem?

What do you think about this poem? - fishsticks song

write, my class was to write a poem about a series of random things and we should mention "You can write a poem," I just wanted to know what others think

You can write a poem
Por Ella Trevino
Ugh! That's impossible!
Why not shutup my cat?
lol its a cup of pineapple
Beehive Candles rule
I urge
my sister
This is the sunset, and just do nothing
ha ha Spunk Ransom
Some people are idiots
I have everything blamed on global warming
Why tell Cookies?
I cried when I read New Moon sob (really)
WOW is an ugly caricature
I always wonder when the next total solar eclipseE
I stumbled over a little over six times
I am a little tired
I love orange soda
that does not look like a hippopotamus
Taylor Lautner is very attractive
Fish Sticks is a fun song
Do You Like Waffles? is fun, too
I wonder if I broke through the time of dawn to be done
big puzzle
pomagranite a strange fruit is
This woman has no beard?
I love the name Alice
Jasper is looking a little strange
It's hard for me to choose between werewolves and vampires
I am finally finished

It Trevino, Class 6


Josh said...

It's really funny, but theres just too random bits, making it less fun. When you have eliminated some of these random, it would be a really great comic poem. Good luck.


BB said...

It ... is for the 6 Year well, I must say, but it's a bit too random a good poem. Perhaps he could only concentrate on one thing and then write more about it, like a sunset, or how to fall on something or whatever. Or you can contact at least a little smoother transition between the lines. But that's just my opinion.

Sparky said...

I like really funny

westrose... said...

that's great! just add something here want to keep Chinese about penguins ...

rockylad... said...

good enough

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